Wednesday, July 16th, 2008
As explained a while back in this post, it’s my goal to post pages with pictures and history of each demolished Kirkbride building that I never got a chance to visit. I’ve recently posted a few more, including Spring Grove State Hospital (Maryland), Fulton State Hospital (Missouri), Jacksonville State Hospital (Illinois), Kalamazoo State Hospital (Michigan), Winnebago State Hospital (you guessed it: Wisconsin), and Pontiac State Hospital (Michigan).
Some of the less boring facts gleaned during my research involve the asylums in Jacksonville and Fulton. At Jacksonville, in 1860 a lady named Elizabeth Packard was involuntarily committed for three years. Her husband sent her to the asylum after she began disagreeing with his religious beliefs. On her release, she separated from her husband, formed the Anti-Insane Asylum Society, and successfully petitioned the Illinois legislature to grant wives the right to a public hearing if their husbands tried to have them committed. She also wrote a few books about her asylum experience (one of which can be read online here). (more…)
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Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
LiveJournal user laurapalmer813 posted some photos of the Kirkbride building in Dayton, Ohio today. (This is the Kirkbride that’s been turned into a retirement home.) If you’re interested, check out the photos. The building looks pretty good, maybe a little boring since it’s lost some ornamentation, but still pretty good. Looks like it’ll be around for a good long while.
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Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
There’s a new pictorial history of Spring Grove State Hospital entitled… Spring Grove State Hospital
. It’s was compiled by David Helsel, M.D. and Trevor Blank. (Dr. Helsel is the superintendent of Spring Grove Hospital Center.)
The book was published as part of the Images of America series. Images of America books are pretty consistently good quality resources for historical images and history.
I haven’t seen the book myself yet, but I’m told that several images of the Spring Grove Kirkbride building are included. If the images are anything like those on the hospital web site’s virtual tour of the old Kirkbride, I’m sure they’re worth seeing, especially in print.
Posted in Books, Buildings, Pictures | 3 Comments »
Monday, March 24th, 2008
I’ve added an Independence State Hospital page where you can see my photos of the Kirkbride and learn a little about its history. The photos are from a visit to Iowa I took back in 2004. As I mentioned in the Clarinda post, the quality of the pictures leaves something to be desired. I think these are even a full step down from the Clarinda photos. (The ones from Cherokee are even worse. I don’t even want to post those, but I probably will just to be as complete as possible. Watch for them in the future…)
Independence is a nice looking Kirkbride. It’s facade isn’t as dramatic as some, but it’s still a pretty impressive sight, set back from the main road, sitting at the end of a long stretch of open lawn. Its relative simplicity in design would probably have pleased Dr. Kirkbride. (more…)
Posted in Buildings, Pictures, Web Sites | 20 Comments »
Monday, March 10th, 2008
So I’ve changed the site’s look a little. It’s not an earth-shattering transformation, but I think it’s a decent improvement. If you notice anything strange, please let me know. You can comment here or send me an email.
I could go into all the details of the design changes, but I don’t want to bore anyone. I’ll just list off the most significant content updates which are: (more…)
Posted in Web Sites | 2 Comments »
Monday, February 11th, 2008
![Clarinda State Hospital](
There’s finally a page for Clarinda State Hospital. I visited the place back in 2004…
2004… the days when I absolutely, positively NEEDED a camera that fit in my pocket. The days before I knew what a tripod was for, or had ever heard of things like bracketing. What I’m trying to say that most of the pictures are a bit iffy. Still, there are plenty of other pictures on this site from the same time period, and these Clarinda shots are the best from my Iowa excursion. Looking at some of them though I just can’t help feeling disappointed. Why didn’t I step back a few feet here? Why didn’t I turn two degrees to the right there? How did my @#%*! finger get in front of the lens? (more…)
Posted in Buildings, Pictures, Web Sites | 16 Comments »
Tuesday, January 29th, 2008
![Greystone Park State Hospital](
I added a Greystone Park page to the site. I’ve been sitting on pictures of the place for a few years now. They’ll be a bit of a yawn to those familiar with other asylum web sites (most notably John Gray’s fantastic Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital). But I think it’s important that the building be represented here, if only to stop the semi-regular emails I get telling me that I missed Greystone… (more…)
Posted in Buildings, Films & Television, Pictures, Web Sites | Comments Off on Greystone Park
Wednesday, December 26th, 2007
In case you didn’t notice, I added a little random selection of photos from my Kirkbride set on Flickr. It’s toward the bottom of the sidebar to the right of the main content. Scroll down a little and you’ll see it. Click on one of the thumbnails to view a photo full-size. You can also click on the “My Kirkbride Set” link to view the set’s home page. (more…)
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