Kirkbride Buildings Blog

March 13th, 2008

Hudson River Development

Hudson River Kirkbride
There was an interesting development reported yesterday concerning the former Hudson River Psychiatric campus. According to the Poughkeepsie News, three Hudson Heritage partners sold their shares of the property to the remaining partner who plans to continue redevelopment. There’s a more extensive article on the story available today: 3 Sell Psych Center Property Share.

Hopefully this isn’t a bad sign for the future of the Kirkbride. It’s probably premature to even think that, but it’s hard not to consider, especially with the fire last year and the resulting damage. Arnold Moss’s comment about the economy being terrible for real estate development doesn’t sound very optimistic either.

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  1. Judith Brandes July 29, 2008, 9:01 am

    I wish I had known about this buildings when I lived in the Hudson Valley and visited relatives in Morristown, N.J. I would have liked to see the architecture, even if it was only from the outside. The photos of the unused interiors remind me of the photos of Ellis Island after it was abandoned and before it was restored.

  2. Ethan July 30, 2008, 2:41 pm

    Yeah, that’s too bad you missed it. It’s really a beautiful building.

    It’s still there in case you’re ever back in the area. Of course, it’s hard to get access to nowadays and in a bit of a shambles after the fire:(

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